Simplifying and streamlining business income

Among the "environmental" factors that influence expectations on the return on investment, besides the level of taxation, legal certainty, legislative and interpretative continuity, there is also the impact of bureaucracy, especially in tax field. Simplification is not removing all constraints and obligations, trivialising what is structurally complex and requires specialist skills. Rather, it is a question of rationalising the system and adapt the tax rules to foster stimulating sustainable growth. Among the many proposals that have been put forward, including those from professional and business associations, which Laboratorio Fiscale intends to examine in detail, the following can be mentioned: the loss regime; shell companies; the depreciation rules; the deductibility of interest expenses; group consolidation; the derivation and the dual civil-tax regime; the taxation of sole proprietorship including flat-rate, simplified schemes IRI (tax on enterprise income) and traditional progressive taxation.

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